Thursday, May 15, 2014

JASNA 2014 AGM Registration Is Coming Soon!

The following is a condensation of two messages from Elaine Bander, Coordinator of the 2014 JASNA Annual General Meeting in Montreal, and Liz Cooper, JASNA’s Vice-President for Regions:


The 2014 JASNA AGM brochure has finally gone to the printer (whew! what a production!) which means, we hope, that we will meet our target date of May 21 to go "live" with online registration.

As always, we will wait at least two days after the brochure is mailed before we open online registration.  That means that most US members who receive a mailed brochure will get it by the time registration opens.  However, we can't guarantee that delivery will be that quick for everyone, so we strongly urge members to check the JASNA website for the latest AGM information and to download the PDF version of the brochure, which will be available soon at this link.

Also, members who have signed up to receive JASNA AGM Email Updates will receive a notice when the brochure has been mailed and when registration is open online. If members have not joined the JASNA Email Distribution List or signed up to receive "JASNA Email and AGM Email" specifically, they can do so now by visiting this link. 

Those who register later and possibly miss the cut-off should be urged to put themselves on the wait list. Up to 10% of AGM registrants end up cancelling each year for one reason or another. In past years when AGMs sold out quickly, we've accommodated everyone on the wait list. 


But why wait? Your JASNA Syracuse Regional Coordinators--who would be attending this AGM even if they weren't giving presentations--hope to be among the first in line to register on May 21, and we hope you will be too!

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