A happy Fourth of July to all!
Just a reminder that now is a great time to join JASNA at the national level. The JASNA membership year runs from September 1 to August 31--but if you join between July 1 and August 31, you'll receive an extra issue of
JASNA News (the Society's thrice-annual newsletter) and otherwise be enrolled for the coming full membership year. To join, you can go to the JASNA national website (
www.jasna.org) and click on the "Membership" link on the home page. Remember that joining JASNA at the national level automatically makes you a member of the JASNA Syracuse Region--this is our one and only regional membership requirement at present.
Our next two meetings will be Saturday, September 25, at Books & Memories, 2600 James St., Syracuse, and Saturday, November 6, at RiverRead Books, 5 Court St., Binghamton. (Note that we're trying to match our meeting dates to the "quarter days" and "cross-quarter days" of the Regency calendar; these will be our Michaelmas and All Hallows meetings, respectively!) Watch this site for further details about these and future meetings. And if you have ideas about topics you'd like to see featured at meetings, by all means add a comment to this post, or drop your Regional Coordinator or Co-Coordinator an e-mail (see "View My Complete Profile" for contact info).